Following the Finchers

Friday, July 07, 2006

Day 7 – Winding Down (in Pain)

It was an interesting final day, filled with a strange combination of laziness and suffering.

Sandy was awakened at 5:30 am by Alex’s trip to the bathroom (attached to our bedroom). Not able to go back to sleep, she woke me up to talk for awhile. At 6:00 am, she got up and went down to the beach for a cool quiet time. It was interesting for her to be alone down there, but she was surprised to watch a snake swimming around the beach. Needless to say, she didn’t get in the lake the rest of the day.

I got up at 8:00 am and spent some time on the Internet. I know I’m on vacation, but if I let e-mails back up for eight or nine days, I would never get caught up. So today I was catching up on lots of little things that needed to be done. But I didn’t just work. I took breaks several times to play basketball, swim, take a walk, and start packing up our stuff.

I even had the chance to pray for someone here. I was sitting on the porch of the rec center, chatting online, when a lady that Mike and I talked to earlier came up to me. Her name is Emma. She said, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I know you’re a Christian. Could you pray for something for me?” So I talked with her a bit and found out that her step daughter has been “kidnapped” (her word) by her fiance’s ex-wife’s parents. It was a complicated story, and something I didn’t really want to try to get all the details on. However, she told me the little girl’s name is Hannah, so I stopped and prayed for her right there. I’m not sure how she figured out we were Christians, but it’s nice to be noticed. If you have a moment, would you pray for Emma and Hannah as well?

When we returned back to Dezi’s condo for brunch, we found out that Mike was in bad shape. He got a horrible sunburn on Wednesday and was afraid that he may have gotten sun poisoning. This morning, he got the fiery itch that he couldn’t shake. He has had it before and expected that it would last twelve hours. The rest of the day he spent howling in pain, barely soothed by Dezi’s best attempts at comfort. By 8:45, he had gone to sleep and the 12 hours of torture were over. Early tomorrow, they have to drive to St. Louis to drop Dezi off at the airport to go get Raena, so we’re praying that Mike feels like driving her the 5 hours to the airport.

Star Wars – While Mike and Dezi were out of commission, everyone came to our condo for French Bread Pizza, Ice Cream, and watching Star Wars. Now Dezi is down here making Funnel Cakes for everyone. That should get everyone wound up before bed.

Well, I’m off to carry things out to the van and post the final blog. We’ll be taking off about 8:15 in the morning, and should return home by about 3:30 Saturday afternoon. Thanks for reading and praying while we were gone for a week. It was a great time. We’re talking about Chicago for next year’s vacation.