Following the Finchers

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Update on Support for the Trip

Two more generous gifts came in today's mail.  Here's an update on our progress.

Our minimum cost to go on the trip is $2200.  Our goal for each person is $2500 so that we can each give a $300 gift to the mission as part of our trip.  The extra money helps provide for things that we are there to fix up, to buy raw materials or other supplies that are needed to complete the jobs we will be doing.  I'm definitely shooting for the $2500 amount.

Thus far, I have identified $1500 towards the trip.  The money has come from the following sources:

Churches ($550)            Family members ($350)               Friends ($350)

In addition, Sandy and I have committed $250 of our own savings to the trip, plus any supply preaching money I receive in February and March.

So I'm 60% of the way towards the goal with one month left to go.  God is providing and we are excited to watch it happen.

I also found out at our group meeting last night that some of us will be leading worship for the Christians at their theater.  We will arrive at midnight after flying in and riding a bus for two hours to get to Hunchun.  The next morning, we will be leading worship at 7:00 am!  I will be playing the piano, so I'm looking forward to using my talents in that way.

Keep praying, thanks for sharing, and check back regularly for updates.  If you would like an email alert whenever I post a new entry, just write me at and I will add you to the list.