Following the Finchers

Thursday, March 26, 2009


What an amazing experience I have had watching God provide for this trip.  The encouragement has come both in the variety and amounts of funds that have come in, as well as the notes that I have received along the way.

Let me start with how much was needed:  $2200 was the base cost of the trip, $2500 was the goal to provide a blessing to the missionaries there by bringing supplies and items they asked for.  I committed to the $2500 amount.  Sandy and I committed at least 10% of the amount from our personal funds.  I also committed any money I made from preaching in January and February to the trip.  Here's what happened:

Donations came in from my home church, family, friends, neighbors, and church members. Total amount given:  $1400
Opportunities came to speak at Leonard, Joplin, and Timber Lake (twice).  Total amount received:  $850
Total amount needed out of personal funds:  $250

Unbelievable.   Everyone who gave something gave the right amount to meet the needs.  God provided, just like He always does.

But more encouraging have been the notes.  Let me share a few, just so you'll have an idea of the encouragement I have received from more than just the finances:

David, we will be praying for you.

Dear David, just a little money to help you go to China.  The Lord's going with you so maybe you will get there and back on the plane.  Hope you can help the Christians over there.

Hope your trip goes really well.

I wish we could send more to help you out with such an endeavor.  you have our thoughts and prayers with you all and wish you the best of everything in China.

David, We can hear the enthusiasm in your letter.  Please use this $200 towards your mission trip to China!

Dear David, I received your letter telling me about your trip.  It sounds very interesting and I wish for you a safe trip. I am sending a small gift.  I wish it could be more, but it will be a little help.  I think of you folks often.  Hope you are all well and I know like everyone else you are busy.  Take care and have a wonderful trip.  You are in my prayers.

I know others haven't contacted me and are thinking about me also.  Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and kind words.
