Following the Finchers

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Heading out

Well, people are gathering and the vans are being loaded. The drive
to St. Louis awaits.

I didn't go to bed tonight. I just came out to the school at 10:30 to
do some work that needed to be done. I'm hoping to be good and tired
by the time we take off from Chicago, so I can sleep during most of
that flight. We'll see how that plan works out for me.

Right before I got up from the computer, I got a strange twisting in
my neck / upper back. Hope that works itself out on the drive. It
won't be fun to put up with that for the next 37 hours.

Not sure how the eating will go from here to there, so Sandy and I
went to Golden Corral so I would have a good last supper. The kids
had a hard time letting me go, but they are getting used to the idea.
Alex sent a stuffed animal for me to take pictures of in different
places (This is the stuffed animal they gave him when his tonsils were
taken out, TJ the Tiger). So here's the first picture at 2:00 am,
getting ready to go.